Updated: 29/05/2023 130 KB
Updated: 29/05/2023 236 KB

St Patrick’s Primary School is embarking on a new journey on becoming a ‘Rights Respecting School’. This means we are committed to ensuring that pupils understand their rights, receive their rights and know how to campaign for their own rights and the rights of others.

All children under the age of 18 are ‘Rights Holders’. Their rights are found in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Duty bearers are the adults who are responsible for ensuring children receive their rights. This includes parents and care-givers, the government and those who are employed by the government (teachers, police, health care workers etc.). All adults associated with our school are duty bearers.

We have formed a partnership with UNICEF UK to promote a child right based approach to education. The UNICEF UK Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) is based on the principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation.

The intended impact of RRSA on our school community is:

  • an increase of levels of respect within our school and community
  • a developed sense of security as rights-respecting language and behaviour is used consistently throughout the school
  • a deepened understanding and respect for religions, cultures and abilities different to our own
  • a deepened understanding of the connections between us and people around the world.

Our Rights Respecting School work is led by a ‘Steering Group’. This is made up of two pupils from each class in Reception, Key Stage 1 and 2 and adults representing all parts of our school community. This group will meet regularly to plan and deliver dedicated assemblies and activities that promote children’s rights from the Convention. The group will continually monitor how well we are doing and create ways to inspire others to learn about children’s rights through our curriculum.

Embarking on a rights-based education is a really exciting opportunity for all at St Patrick’s and we look forward to involving you on our journey. Take a look at the Rights Respecting Schools website below for more information: You can also keep up to date with the work we are doing within our school and community by clicking on our monthly newsletters below.

Unicef Rights

Updated: 29/05/2023 194 KB
Updated: 29/05/2023 205 KB
Updated: 29/05/2023 204 KB