Welcome to Year 6.

As the oldest children in the school, we undertake a wide variety of important roles and with this comes a strong sense of responsibility. We are proud to take on the positions of Head and Deputy Head Girl and Boy.

In addition to our extra responsibilities, we have a very high workload as we strive to ensure we have a sound understanding of everything we have been taught over KS2 and prepare for the curriculum expectations in Secondary School. Although this can be very challenging, the sense of achievement as we move through the year is amazing and very rewarding.

We will be working hard to prepare for the our Key Stage 2 assessments and can’t overestimate the value of support at home.

However, above all these activities and expectations, we are proud role models for the rest of the school and want to help everyone have as good a time here as we have.

Things to remember

Every Thursday, children need to come to school in their PE kit. This being shorts, a t-shirt, appropriate footwear and a tracksuit.

This year is a very exciting, important year for us as we begin our final year at St Patrick’s and prepare for the next crucial stage in our education. Throughout the year, the children will be using all of the skills and knowledge they have learned here at St. Patrick’s, as we prepare them to transition into secondary school and provide them with lifelong learning.

In Year 6, we strive to be independent, resilient and hardworking learners who support each other and demonstrate determination and perseverance to become the best we can be. We encourage the children to take pride in their work and endeavour to set themselves high targets which encourage them to aspire to the best they can be. Children are encouraged to take on additional responsibilities by becoming Prefects.

We have a safe and nurturing environment in our classroom, where children feel that their thoughts and opinions are valued. The children’s well-being is of fundamental importance to their educational development and we use an open dialogue between home and school to reinforce this.

PE will take place on a Thursday, this means we need to wear our full PE tracksuit. Homework is set every Friday and must be completed by the following Friday. In addition to this, we need to be practising our spellings and times tables at home frequently. As the children begin to prepare for their SAT’s in May, we also encourage all children to be completing self-directed revision once or twice weekly.

Excellent behaviour is expected and rewarded at all times. Attitude and effort are also rewarded through our Dojo points and weekly Value Certificates which are given in our weekly assembly on Friday.

Our Class Saint is Maximilian Kolbe

Thank you for visiting our Class Page and we look forward to the challenges that Year 6 brings!

Mr Reid