It is great to see your child return to school so ready to learn after the long break. This page will explain the differences in how school will be this term.
P.E. will be on a Wednesday. In a change to previous years, children will be coming into school in their kits ready for P.E. this will consist of a white t shirt, tracksuit bottoms and suitable footwear. A school jumper can still be worn for warmth. Your child will need a water bottle every day that they will be able to fill up from the Lower Junior fountain.
For home reading this year the following procedures will be put in place: Children will be given a reading book to take home on a Friday. Children will keep the book at home until the following Friday. If books are returned early we will endeavour to change them. Please also encourage your children to read at home for pleasure and you are more than welcome to record any extra books in the reading record.
Homework will be set on Monday to be returned on Friday. Homework may be sent out as a paper task or online via Purple Mash. Login details have been sent home.
Your child will also bring home a spellings sheet which is to be kept at home. There will be a spelling test every Friday, with new spellings provided on the same day. The spellings will include 10 on a theme and 5 from the Year 3-4 key words list. Children will be given a different times table to learn each week, tested on a Friday.
We look forward to a successful year,
Mr Fletcher
Our Class Saint is Saint Sebastian